How to sell Enhance hosting
Configure and sell Enhance hosting products with Upmind
Enhance is a hosting control panel software that lets you run a shared or dedicated hosting platform.
The Enhance integration on Upmind allows you to provision, manage, suspend, and terminate Enhance accounts. This lets you sell Enhance web hosting.
What you will need
- A server running Enhance. This can either be a server you run yourself, or a reseller account running the Enhance control panel.
- An Upmind account
Create a provision configuration
Generate an Access Token in Enhance
In Enhance you need to generate an Access token. This is done in your Enhance control panel under settings
> Access Token
When creating an access token, for now, you need to grant Super admin
permissions. We recommend not to set an expiry date. We understand Enhance will be making more suitable granular permissions in the near future.

Once the token is created, make a note of the org-id and the access token itself.
Linking Enhance to Upmind
In Upmind you should add Enhance as a provision configuration. You can either do this
- On the sidebar click
Host Control
>Web Servers
>Add New
- On the sidebar go to
>Provision Configurations
>Add New
You should fill it out as follows:
- Use a server name that describes your server to you. You may just want to use the Enhance control server name or give it a more familiar name.
- Under the Provision Category of
Web Hosting
, choose Enhance as the hosting panel type - Enter your
,org id
andaccess token
- Click
That's it! Enhance is added as a web server.

Create packages
When you create hosting packages in Upmind, you can now choose Enhance as a provision provider. You will be asked for the Package Identifier. It's recommended to use the Enhance package name (case sensitive), but if you need to change your package names in Enhance or if their names aren't unique, you should instead use the Enhance package id.
Get Enhance package identifier
In your Enhance control panel, go to Settings
> Packages
and click to edit the package you want to configure in Upmind.
- The package name is the one you set when you created the package in Enhance and can be copied from the
section. - The package id can be seen in the URL.

In this example, the package name is Totally Unlimited Reseller and the package id is 1
Configure Upmind products
In your Upmind admin area, under Host control
> Web hosting
click on the Hosting packages
tab and click the Add new
button to start configuring a new hosting package.

Give your product a name, then click Create
Now go to the product's Provisioning page and set the Provision
provider to Enhance, and set the Package Identifier
provision field to match your Enhance package name or id.

In the Provision providers
section select Enhance, then click Save

In the Provision fields
section click on Package Identifier
and enter the Enhance package name or id that you obtained earlier, then click Save
At this point your Enhance product provisioning is all set up and ready to go. For more information on setting up and selling hosting products in Upmind, refer to our First Steps and Web Hosting Quick Start guides.
Website locations
If you have multiple servers configured in Enhance, customers can have the option to choose the server location for new websites, according to your Enhance Server Group
configuration. For more information on setting up server groups in Enhance, refer to their guide: Add Location Based Hosting Packages.
When Upmind creates an Enhance subscription for a new order, a website gets created for the domain name the customer provided in their order details. By default this website will be automatically allocated to a server group according to your settings in Enhance.
If you want to let your customers choose their server location for new orders, there are 2 options:
Skip website creation for new orders
With this approach, Upmind will only create the Enhance subscription when provisioning a new order, which allows customers to log in to their Enhance account and create their first website through the Enhance UI, according to its package and server group settings.
In Upmind, go to Settings
> Provision configurations
and click to edit your Enhance configuration.

Enable the Create Subscription Only
configuration setting, then click Save
Configure server groups in Upmind
With this approach you will configure your Upmind products to have Location
options or attributes for the customer to choose from when configuring the product in their basket. The location they select will be linked to a corresponding server group in Enhance.
For the purpose of this guide, we will assume you have set up your locations as product attributes. For more information on setting these up, refer to our Product Attributes guide. If you want your different server groups to add to the price of newly ordered hosting products, refer to our Product Options guide. Regardless of whether you choose options or attributes, you'll configure your product provisioning in the same way.
In the example below, we assume that you have set up server groups with the names London, Tokyo and Atlanta in your Enhance control panel.
In Upmind, once you have set up a product attribute for each server group you want customers to choose from, go to Settings
> Product catalogue
, click to edit your hosting package, and on its Provisioning
page scroll down to the Provision fields

Click on the Location
field and for each attribute you attached to the hosting package, tick the box and fill in the name of the corresponding server group in Enhance, then click Save
Now when Upmind provisions new Enhance orders of this product, the first website will be allocated to the server group corresponding to the attribute the customer chose when configuring the product in their basket.
Add existing subscription
If you need to link an existing Enhance subscription with an order in Upmind, go to the order product's Manage tab and run the Get Info function; filling in the username
(the Enhance customer's email address) and domain
when prompted. If the order's status is "Awaiting Activation" don't forget to also press Activate on the summary tab to commence recurring billing.
Create new order for existing customer
The first time you try to create a new subscription/website for a customer that already exists in Enhance, you will likely get an error stating the customer's email already exists. To solve this, click Create Account and paste in the ID of the Enhance customer. You can get their ID by taking it from the URL when viewing the customer in your Enhance panel. When the 'Create Account' function succeeds, it will store the Enhance customer ID against the Client in Upmind so that you don't need to do this for future orders from this Upmind Client. In the example below, this customer's ID is 9ac67064-fd90-447f-ad9a-b2245e24999e

Copy the customer ID from the URL

Paste their Enhance customer ID into the "Create Account" form
Updated 5 days ago