How to Cancel a Subscription
End a client's service
This article shows Admins and store staff how to cancel a client's subscription.
Cancelling a subscription
- Log in to Upmind.
- Click Products & Services on the left menu.
- Make sure the Subscriptions menu tab is selected.
- Scroll through the list and click the subscription you want to cancel.
- Use a menu tab (e.g. Active, Awaiting for payment, etc) to filter results. (optional)
- Click the Cancellation options button under the QUICK ACTIONS heading.

Click Cancellation options button
- On the confirmation window, confirm your action and click the Submit button.

Click Submit button
- Upmind changes the subscription status to Cancelled and sends the client an email notification.

Subscription status
You can reactivate a cancelled or lapsed contract. See How to Modify a Subscription Contract for details
Updated 9 days ago