About Multi-Currency
Automate currency conversions
This article describes how Upmind uses multiple currency options through the sales process.
Home Currency
Your store has a home currency, which Upmind calls the store currency. The price of every product or service in your store is set with that currency.
Based on your store currency and current market exchange rates, you can display products and services to a global audience with automatic currency conversions.
Set the store currency as soon as you create your Upmind store on the business settings page.
Managing Currencies
Currencies can be added and removed by associating them with payment gateways. When a currency is added to a payment gateway, then it will show in your store as a currency option.

In the above image, the currencies available on the store are EUR, GBP and USD.
Store Currency
By default, a client visiting your store will see prices in your brand currency.
You can override the currency they see by passing the 'currency' get variable in your URL for instance https://shop.brand.com/order/shop?currency=USD
Product pricing
Upmind gives you several currency options when setting prices.
- Manually set prices for one or more currencies

Set prices
- Choose the auto-convert display feature. Upmind automatically converts home currency prices to the client's preferred currency.

Choose Make available
Exchange rates
Upmind automatically pulls day rates for currency conversions. You can control how Upmind adjusts prices in response to fluctuating exchange rates.
- Go to the Upmind dashboard.
- Click Settings.
- Click the Currencies tile.
Recurring price calculation
Set the price adjustment (if any) of recurring products or services.
- Click the field.
- Select an option. The choices are:
- Keep the original rate.
- Recalculate the price with the current exchange rate.
- Use current rates but keep the same price for current clients.

Choose recalculate
Check the box to automatically calculate missing currency prices.

Calculate missing prices
Client default currency
Each client has a default currency, which is the currency they see when they load your store for a new order. They can change both their default currency and override the currency they choose when ordering.
Changing the client's default currency does not change the currencies of any existing subscriptions, though those can be changed individually.
Changing the currency of a service
An staff member can change the currency of a service by going to the settings
tab under that service and clicking Change Currency
. Behind the scenes this will close the existing contract and open a new one in the new currency, matching the due dates and provisioning information.
Wallet balances
Client wallets can hold multiple currencies. You can customise how these funds are used to settle an invoice balance.
- Go to the Upmind dashboard.
- Click Settings.
- Click the Payment options tile.
- Check the box to convert wallet funds to the payment currency. (optional)
- Check the box to automatically draw funds from the wallet to settle an automatic payment that is due. (optional)

Settle due payment automatically
Updated 19 days ago