How Do My Clients Cancel a Recurring Payment

Your customers can disable auto-renew charges

This article shows your clients how to cancel a recurring payment for a product or service with an auto-renew subscription plan.


Cancelling a subscription does not affect the current service. Instead, this step prevents the subscription service from continuing beyond the current payment period.

Cancelling a subscription

  1. Log in to the store account.
  2. Click the Products & Services menu tab.

Products & Services tab

  1. Click Subscriptions on the left menu.
  2. On the Subscriptions page, click a purchase.

Click purchase

  1. On the next page, click the Billing menu tab.

Click Billing tab

  1. On the next page, click the Cancellation options button.
  2. Click "Request Immediate Cancellation" to cancel the service right away, or choose "End of Billing Term" to let the service run until the current billing period ends.
  3. Add a reason.
  4. Click Submit request.

Click Submit request

Confirming the cancellation

Upmind automatically sends the client an email notification to confirm subscription cancellation.

Clients can also confirm payment changes on their store account dashboard.

  1. Log in to the store account.
  2. Click the Products & Services menu tab.
  3. On the Subscriptions page, click the Cancelled menu tab.

click Cancelled tab

  1. Click the cancelled product or service.

Click cancelled product

  1. Confirm changes on the Overview page.

Confirm changes on Overview page