Why Your TLD isn’t Showing in the Store?

If you've added a TLD to sell in Upmind but it's not appearing in your store through the DAC widget, try the following:

  1. Ensure you add the TLD correctly under Host Control → Domain Names → TLDs tab → Add New TLD, without duplicating any existing TLDs.

  1. Ensure you've selected the Registrar or Auto mode for the TLD to appear in the DAC widget.

  1. Ensure the price is set for your TLD. You can check this under Host Control or Product Catalogue.
Host Control → Domain Names → TLD

Host Control → Domain Names → TLD

Settings → Product Catalogue → TLD product → Product Billing

Settings → Product Catalogue → TLD product → Product Billing

  1. Check if the Register and Transfer options are correctly configured under Settings → Product Catalogue → your TLD product → Provisioning tab.

  1. Ensure that you've completed the domain settings under Host Control → Domain Names → Settings.