How to Add Product Billing
Price and currency settings
Set the price and currency for each product and service on the Product Billing page. If you are trading internationally, you can add multiple currencies.
Learn how Upmind handles multi-currencies.
For each product or service, there are two pricing options:
- One-off payment. The customer completes a single purchase.
- Recurring payment. The customer buys a subscription. For example, your personal grooming company ships men’s shaving kits monthly to retail customers.
Opening the product billing page
- Go to the Upmind dashboard.
- Click Settings.
- Click the Products & Services tile. - The Product catalogue page displays.
- Open a category folder.
- Click a product or service.

Click product or service
- The Product details page displays.

Product details page
- Click Product billing on the menu.

Choose Product billing
Creating a one-off payment
- Click One-off payment.

One-off payment tile
- Add a price for your default currency.
- Add another currency and price. (optional)
Click the X icon to remove a currency from the list.

Add price for default currency
- Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Selecting a multi-currency option
Occasionally, a listed product or service might not have a posted price in a specific currency. For example, you may only add the prices in your primary currency.
In this situation, set the Upmind response. These settings inherit from your brand multi-currency settings.
You can decide on this product to override the brand settings. Select one of three options.
- Omit product The product is not available to a customer if the price is missing.
- Make available Upmind automatically converts the price to any currency based on current exchange rates for your default rate.
- Inherit brand default The Product details page uses the default setting on your brand page.

Choose Make available
Recurring Payment
If you select this option, complete the steps described above, with these additions.
- Click the Recurring payment tile.

Recurring payment tile
- Scroll down to pricing, click Add new term, and select an option on the drop-down menu.
- Term sets the frequency of automatic payments. Recurring charges continue until the customer cancels the payment.

Select option on drop-down menu
- Select Custom and enter the number of months if you need a recurring payment plan. (optional)

Enter number of months
- Add a price for each currency.
- Add another term. (optional)

Enter price for each currency
- To remove a recurring payment term, click Delete at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
- Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Setting the default payment term
When you have two or more subscription options for a product, use this feature to set the default display price on the customer product view screen.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the field.
- Select an option.
- Click Save.

Select an option
Lowest price

Lowest price option
Lowest monthly price
For example, the one-time annual price averaged over 12 months usually shows a lower per month cost than a regular monthly subscription plan.

Lowest monthly price
Highest price

Display highest price
Updated 8 days ago