Payment Options Overview
A summary of payment resources
Customise settings to configure global payment options.
To open the Payments Options page:
- Log in to your Upmind account,
- Click Settings.
- Click the Payment Options tile.
Gateway Settings
At the top of the page, customise automatic payments options:
- configure the global payment mode (direct capture or authorize)
- enable or disable the partial payment feature
Field Name | Description |
Payment Capture Mode | This defines whether card payments should be captured immediately, or simply authorized and then automatically captured later. This is useful if you receive fraudulent card payments that are then charged back. Direct Capture means payment is taken immediately. Authorize means that payment is just pre-authed. The money will be held on the customer card, and you can then complete the charge later. |
Authorization Capture Delay Days | How many days after the payment authorization above should the charge be completed. |
Enable partial payment for clients | Can clients pay an invoice partially. If enabled, clients can choose a partial amount to pay on an invoice. |
Statement Description | Some payment processors allow us to pass a description which can appear on the client statement. |
You can add or remove payment gateways on a different page.
Billing Automation
Customise settings to control automatic payments recurring and overdue plus related notifications.
Field Name | Description |
Max authorization capture attempts | How many times should Upmind try to automatically authorize a payment. |
Invoice charge attempt interval days | How many days should there be between automatic charges. |
Max invoice charge attempts | How many times should Upmind try to automatically charge an invoice. |
Days notice before card expiry notification | Upmind can send a notification when a card comes up to expiry. How many days before a card expires should it be sent? You an configure the notification sent under settings -> actions. |
Attempt other saved card on failed payments | If the first automatic payment method fails, should Upmind then try to charge other payment methods on account. |
Invoice categories, for auto-charging | Which invoice types should be auto-charged. - Recurring invoice = renewals - Initial invoice = new orders - Migration = upgrades/downgrades - One time service = one-time orders - Consolidation = invoice consolidations |
Charge invoice before due date | How many days before an invoice is due should the first charge be attempted. |
Charge interval before due date (With pending payments) | Where the payment gateway is not instant and can take time (e.g. Direct Debit). How many days before an invoice is due should the first charge be attempted. |
Max days to attempt payment after charge date | On an import from an external system to Upmind, if services are overdue when imported, how overdue should they be before automatic charging attempts are not made. |
Payment days term priority | If multiple services are on one invoice and they have different payment days set (for invoice due dates in relation to service expiry), which date should be taken. - Smaller (the earlier due date) - Bigger (the later due date) |
Expiration Notices | How many days before expiry should the trigger for product expiry notifications be sent. |
Client Wallet
You can also customise client wallet settings.
- This article describes client wallet settings.
- Learn how clients can access their wallet (account balance) after they log in to their store account.
Field Name | Description |
Multi-Currency Balance | Whether account balances can be used in any currency when paying an invoice. Amounts will be converted in the current payment currency. |
Auto-comsume balance on invoice due date | If an invoice falls due, and the client has account balance - should it be auto-consumed. |
Possible Top-up | If a client does not have an active order, should they be prevented from topping up. A sensible fraud prevention setting. It allows you to control top-up options regardless of active services. You have three options: - Allow top-ups for all clients. - Only allow top-ups for clients with active orders. - Never allow top-ups. |
Updated 9 months ago