Understanding an Order

See what your customer sees

In a previous article, you created a hosting product on Upmind and mapped it to a WHM package. Now you have a live product.

This article moves you through a sample product purchase so that you can understand what the customer sees and track orders on the backend of your Upmind store.

Customer purchase

In this example, a customer:

  1. Visits the Upmind store.
  2. Select a hosting package.
  3. Enters their domain name.

Enter domain name

  1. Goes to the checkout and completes the transaction.

Upmind backend

  1. Log in to your Upmind account.
  2. Click Products & service on the left menu.
  3. Click the Subscriptions menu tab.

The Products & Services page shows new sales. In this example, the page shows one hosting subscription which requires activation.


Hosting package that requires activation

  1. Click the awaiting activation link.