How to Open and Assign Client Tickets

Read, assign, and respond to client tickets

Support tickets help you connect with your clients. Answer questions, resolve problems, build trust, and retain customers. The Upmind ticket system is easy to learn and even easier to use.

Opening the ticket page

From the main dashboard, there are two ways to open the tickets page.

  1. Click the Active tickets tile. Or

Click Active tickets tile

  1. Click Support on the left menu.

Active tickets

  • The Tickets page displays.

Tickets page

Sorting tickets

On the left menu, Upmind gives you four filters to sort tickets:

  • label
  • status
  • department
  • open time
  • spam filter

Filter tickets

Opening a ticket

The centre window displays a list of tickets and summary information. The page also provides display options.

To review a ticket in detail, click a ticket name.


Ticket status

Assigning a ticket

Every ticket needs a participant (the person responsible for taking action on a ticket). An admin user can become the participant by clicking the Take ticket button.


Take ticket button

Admin users can also assign a ticket to another user.

  1. Click the three-dot button and select Manage participants.

Manage participants

  1. On the list of Users, locate the participant and click the Add button.
  2. Click Save.

Click Add button

Removing an assigned participant

To remove a participant from a ticket:

  1. Click the ticket in the centre window.
  2. Click the three-dot icon.
  3. Click Unassign user.

Unassign user

Reading a ticket

The ticket thread starts in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click the Attachment or Notes menu tabs to view additional information (if available).


Ticket thread

Posting a reply

  1. Write a reply in the blank field in the ticket thread.
  2. Click Post reply to send a response to the client and add the message to the ticket thread.
  3. Click Attach files to attach images or documents. (optional)

Post reply

  • Upmind sends the reply to the client.

Ticket reply

Adding a note

Users can add notes to a ticket thread. The client can read these internal comments.

  1. Enter text in the field.
  2. Check the Internal note box.
  3. Click the Add note button.

Add note

Editing a note

  1. Click the three-dot icon.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Change the text.
  4. Click Save.

Edit internal notes

Changing ticket status

Participants can manually change the status of a ticket.

  1. Go to the top of the screen
  2. Click the status button.
  3. Select the correct status on the drop-down menu.

Change ticket status