How to Modify a Subscription Contract

Update term and price

This article shows admins and store staff how to modify a client subscription. We show you how to:

  • edit contract terms
  • reactivate a product
  • send client messages


We show you how to cancel a client subscription in a different article.

Opening a client subscription page

  1. Log in to Upmind.
  2. Click Products & Services on the left menu.
  3. Make sure the Subscriptions menu tab is selected.

Click Subscriptions menu tab

  1. Scroll through the list and click the client subscription you want to review or modify.
  • The Overview page is displayed, also showing several quick action buttons.

Quick Actions

Changing the term

You can change the payment period (term) of the subscription on the Modify page.

  1. Click the edit icon next to "Term" or click the "Modify Product" button under "Quick Actions". The Modify page will be displayed.
  2. Change contract terms as required.
  3. Click Apply changes.

Modify existing product

Changing prices

To manually set the price on the client's next invoice:

  1. Click the figure next to Price.
  2. Enter a figure.
  3. Click Apply.

Enter a price

Creating tickets

To create a ticket:

  1. Click the Create Ticket button.
  2. Fill the fields.
  3. Click Create ticket.


You can also cancel a subscription.

Reactivating a product

You can change the status of a Lapsed or Cancelled subscription to Active.

  1. Scroll down to QUICK ACTIONS.
  2. Click the Reactivate button.
  3. On the new window, set the condition including renewal date and price.
  4. Click Submit.

Click Reactivate button

Sending messages

To send the client a message:

  1. Scroll down to the QUICK ACTIONS headings.
  2. Click Send email.
  3. In the pop-up window, select an email template.
  4. Click Send.


If no template is available, select Add new template and create a new message template.


Select email template