How to Set the Landing Page

Customise your store's home page

You can choose which page displays when clients and website visitors land on the home page of your e-commerce store. The choices are:

  • Client AreaLogin page
  • Registration page
  • Store page

Setting the landing page

  1. Open the Upmind admin dashboard.
  2. Click the Settings button.
  3. Under the BRANDING AND CUSTOMISATION heading, click the User interface tile.

User interface

  1. Click the field under LANDING PAGE heading.

Landing page options

  1. Select an option on the drop-down menu.

  2. Click Save.

Login page

This option hides your store behind a login page.

Current clients must sign in before accessing your site. Website visitors can access the e-commerce catalogue and shopping cart if they click the link and create a store account.


Login page

Registration page

This option hides your store behind a login page.

This page is geared towards signing up new clients. It asks website visitors to create an account before they can access your store.

Current clients can log in to their account if they click the link.


Create account page

Store page

Clients and website visitors can see the main page of your e-commerce store without logging in or creating an account. All site visitors can view your catalogue and add items to a basket.


Store page

Before moving to the Checkout page, the Authenticate page displays, if you disable the Guest checkout option.


Authenticate account


Enable or disable Guest checkout on the Settings > Order options page.