How does Email work in Upmind

Send and receive emails from your store

In this guide, we will cover all aspects of outgoing and incoming email in Upmind, including:

  • Outbound email default configuration
  • Connecting your own external SMTP mailbox
  • Sending bulk email through Upmind
  • Piping Incoming Email

Outgoing Email

This section covers all transactional/event-based, bulk, and manual emails sent out from the Upmind system to customers, leads, and staff.

Default email configuration

Once you're registered, you can create a support department email. For example, you could set up an email like

We send emails out through Amazon SES and therefore deliverability is excellent. We do proactively monitor the mailing reputation of emails that are sent out, and we restrict emails volumes that can be sent from new accounts.

Adding a custom SMTP server

You can set Upmind to send through your own mailserver. You can use any mailserver which has SMTP enabled. This may be a third-party email account, or an SMTP mail host such as Mailgun, MailChannels, or SpamXperts.

To configure your custom mailserver, navigate to Settings > Notification Channels.

You will need to enter the hostname, username, password and port. These are the same details you might use if you were to send out through a mail client such as Outlook.

You also need to specify a From name and a From email. These are not tied to authentication and you can in theory add any name and email you like, but we recommend using the email linked to the SMTP server.

Sending bulk email through Upmind

Announcements and newsletters can be sent through Upmind under theClient > Bulk Actions. We do not intend this as a full replacement for Newsletter software such as Mailchimp or CampaignMonitor, but rather as a way of easily notifying client segments of important news.

The newsletter will send through either our default Amazon SES setup, or through your custom SMTP server. Note that if you are using a custom SMTP server you should remove mailing limits if you are sending a lot of messages.

Incoming Email

This section covers emails sent by customers and leads in toward the Upmind system, including new sales/support inquiries and email replies to support tickets.

Incoming email piping

Incoming emails can be routed to the Upmind support ticket system. Your customers can either reply to any emails sent out using our default outbound SMTP configuration, or they can compose an email to anything @ your default Upmind dashboard domain for example

If you want to pipe emails sent to a custom domain name, simply set up an email forwarder to relay mail to the corresponding address @ your default Upmind dashboard domain, for example, a forwarder from to

You may want to have a form on your website that submits emails and lets the client enter their own email address for a reply to. To prevent Upmind from seeing your website email as the sender, you can use the option under Settings>Service desk>Ticket to set the system to use a reply to address instead:

Support departments

You can also route incoming emails to specific support departments based on the mailbox the email was sent to.

Navigate to the Settings > Support Department configuration area.

Choose a department you wish to route emails to or create a new department. You can then specify a destination mailbox. Forward any emails you wish to pipe to that destination mailbox.