How the Import system works
At Upmind we know may be importing data from a myriad of external existing software. Our aim is to build software that is better than any competition, so we want this to be frequent and we want the import experience to be as smooth as we can make it.
The import system can import the following data:
- Products
- Users (staff)
- Clients
- Affiliates
- Client Payment Info
- Contracts
- Invoices
- Tickets
Depending on where data is coming from it will import one, many, or all of the above. For instance, we may only import clients and tickets from an external ticket system.

An example of a completed import with steps taken.
In this guide, we will cover the principles for imports in general. Specific guides are included for the varying sources Upmind can import from.
Staging Records
From our own testing and usage, we wanted to avoid the blind import where you pressed a button and hoped for the best.
Every import that runs into Upmind gets 'staged' which means all the data can be previewed without any risk before it is committed.
Data Mappings
As you run through an import you will be prompted for 'data mappings'. This is where we tie external IDs into Upmind records. For instance, we may ask you to map an external product to an external product category, or an external ticket user to an Upmind staff user.
Link to imported records
When data is imported into Upmind we try and clearly show where it links back to with visual prompts
Committing and Cancelling Imports
Once you have staged a record and have previewed it, you can either then commit the import, or completely cancel it. Nothing will be imported if you cancel and no automation will have run.
Updated 8 months ago