Action Management Tools

The Action Management Tools appear when using provisioning integrations like hosting, domains, etc. For this guide, we will use cPanel as an example. These tools are available in both the Admin Area and Client Area; however, the Client Area has limited options and certain actions still require Admin Area access.

Action Tools in Admin Area

To manage the provisioning actions in the Admin Area, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Client Profile.

  2. Select Product & Service and choose the relevant product.

  3. Click the Manage tab.

In this section, you will find:


Action NameFunctionality
Create AccountUsed to create a new account for the client
Get InfoTo get the current provisioning details
Get Usage DataShows the usage data for the service
Login to Control PanelLogs you directly into the control panel
Make ResellerUpgrades the account to a reseller with the specified username
Revoke ResellerRemoves the reseller status from the account
Change PasswordAllows you to change the client’s account password
Change PackageThis let you change the account’s package or plan
Suspend AccountSuspends the account in cPanel
Unsuspend AccountUnsuspends the account in cPanel
Delete AccountDeletes the account from cPanel


The Logs section allows you to view any errors related to provisioning, or actions initiated by the system or staff. This is useful for troubleshooting.

Other Configuration:

If you’re using a provisioning system that integrates with Upmind (like cPanel in this guide), you’ll see additional configuration options:

  • Provision Configuration: Manage how the provisioning system is set up.

  • Provision Fields: Most of the fields are populated automatically when the account is created. The data for these fields is pulled directly from your WHM (Web Host Manager) system.

Provision Fields in Admin Area

Provision Fields in Admin Area

Action Tools in Client Area

  1. Log in to the Client Area portal.

  2. Go to Product & Service and select the product you want to manage.

  3. In the Overview tab, you will find details such as:

    • Web Hosting Details: Information about your web hosting package.
    • Manage Your Web Hosting: Options to manage the hosting account, including:
      • Change Password: Update the password for the hosting account.
      • Login to Control Panel: Direct access to the hosting control panel.