How to Add Flutterwave as a Payment Method

Set up Flutterwave to take payments in Upmind

Flutterwave is a secure payment gateway across Africa and beyond, accepting cards, bank transfers, mobile money, and digital wallets, ensuring a convenient payment experience for all users.

Getting credentials

Before adding Flutterwave as a payment gateway, log in to your Flutterwave account to obtain the API Key. Navigate to the API Key section under the Developer heading.

Adding a payment provider

Go to Settings > Payment providers in your admin area. Then click Add payment provider and choose Flutterwave.

Adding details

Scroll down to the page and complete the necessary fields.

  1. Enter a display name. We suggest Flutterwave.
  2. Click the Test Mode and select the option.
  3. Enter the Public Key, Secret Key, and Encryption Key which you have get it on your Flutterwave account.
  4. You might Test Credentials and it will show Successful authentication!
  5. Add currencies (optional).
  6. Enter payment instructions. (optional)
  7. Click Create.

Editing the payment method

You can change or update the payment method. Go to the Payment Providers page, click the three dots, and select Edit.