How to Link Enom with Upmind

Enom is a global domain name registrar. You can sign up for an Enom account on their website at

Details Needed

To link your account to Upmind, you will need an:

  • Enom account
  • Enom username and API token

To generate an API token with Enom:

  1. Log in to your Enom account
  2. Select API Token Manager.
  3. Fill in the required fields and click "Generate Token".

Linking to Enom

  1. In the Upmind admin area, navigate to Host Control -> Domain names
  2. Under Add Domain Provider, choose Enom
  1. On the modal that opens, give the Enom provider a name. This will not be visible to your clients. We recommend just entering the name 'Enom' unless you have two separate Enom accounts that you want to distinguish between.
  2. Enter your Enom username and API token.
  3. Hit Create.
  4. Verify the information on the Settings page.

API IP Access

You may also need to allow our IP addresses to the allow list in Enom. This is under Resellers -> Manage > API. You can find our IP addresses here:

That is it! Your Enom account is now linked.