How to add Manual Server products

This guide explains how to add products and orders for manually provisioned servers

Create a Product

By using the "Servers (Manual)" provision blueprint, new orders will remain in the "Awaiting Activation" status after their initial invoice payment, until a staff member manually activates them. This allows you to provision the server manually, and then update the order with details such as the hostname, IP address and any other information that the customer might need.

  1. Under Settings > Product catalogue click to create a new product
  2. On the Provisioning page, set the Provision Blueprint to "Servers (Manual)" and click Save
Set the Provision blueprint to "Servers (Manual)"

Set the Provision blueprint to "Servers (Manual)"

For more information on configuring products, such as setting up billing and product options, refer to our guides starting with How to create products.

Managing Orders

When a customer places and pays for an order for a manually provisioned server, you will need to activate it manually.

Activating orders

  1. Under Products & Services find a new order that needs to be activated
  2. On the Overview tab, the Status should display "Awaiting activation" if the customer has paid their initial order invoice
  3. Click the link to manually activate the order, which will commence recurring billing
Beneath where it shows "Status: Awaiting activation" click to manually activate the order

Beneath where it shows "Status: Awaiting activation" click to manually activate the order

Sharing server details

The "Servers (Manual)" provision blueprint adds a couple of fields to the Manage tab of a server order. Here you can set the server hostname (which also acts as the service identifier for the order) and the IP address. You can share other information such as server credentials via the Notes and secrets tab. These can then be viewed by the customer in their client area.

  1. Go to the Manage tab of the newly activated server order
  2. Enter a Hostname and/or IP address and click save
On the `Manage` tab, enter the Hostname or IP address then click Save

On the Manage tab, enter the Hostname or IP address then click Save

  1. On the Notes and secrets tab, provide any additional information such as server credentials and untick the checkbox to display these in the client area
On the `Notes and secrets` tab, enter any other information such as log on credentials and click Save

On the Notes and secrets tab, enter any other information such as log on credentials and click Save

In the client area, this is what the customer should see. They can reveal the root password we set earlier by simply clicking on it.

The customer will see the Hostname, IP Address and any other notes and secrets you provided

The customer will see the Hostname, IP Address and any other notes and secrets you provided

Enable Notes and Secrets

If you don't see a tab for Notes and secrets you simply need to enable it in your brand settings.

  1. Go to Settings > User interface
  2. In the Client Area section, Tick the box Enable client notes & vault and click Save
  3. You may need to refresh the page for the Notes and secrets tab to appear under your customers' orders
Tick the checkbox for `Enable client notes & vault`

Tick the checkbox for Enable client notes & vault