How to Create User Groups

Manage group access to specific functions

Upmind does not assign permissions to staff users. Instead, you create a User Group with permission to access a specific range of functions. Then you assign a staff user to a User Group. The user automatically inherits the User Group's permissions. To change the level of access that a user has, simply re-assign that person to a different User Group.

You can assign a staff user to more than one User Group. For example, Joe Bloggs could be Account Staff on Brand A, and Support Staff on Brand B.

Creating a user group

  1. On the Upmind dashboard, click Settings.
  2. Click Staff groups.

Staff groups tile

  1. Click the Create user group button.

Create user group button

  1. Enter a group name.

User group name

  1. Scroll through the Functionalities page and check the relevant boxes to assign group permissions.
  2. Click the Select all button to check all boxes in a subcategory. (optional)
  3. Click Save.

User group subcategories

Assigning staff users to a user group

The next step is to assign staff users to one or more User Groups.

  1. On the Upmind dashboard, click Settings.
  2. On the next page, click Staff users
  3. Locate a staff user, click the gear icon, and select Manager user.

Add staff users

  1. Scroll down the Staff overview page and set User Group permissions.


If you have multiple brands, grant access to each brand separately.


Assign user groups to brands

  1. Select Administrator to grant the staff user full access to all User Groups and all brands.
  • We suggest granting Admin permissions to a maximum of two staff users.

Assign Admin permissions