How to Add a Custom Domain Name

Use a custom URL for your store

Every Upmind brand comes with a unique Upmind subdomain: This URL provides your clients with a link to a login page.

That URL structure also gives you and your staff the ability to log in to the admin area:

Instead of the default Upmind web address, we encourage you to brand the link by using your own custom URL. For instance, or Brand the link by pointing your own domain name to the Upmind URL. Below are the steps on How to Add the Custom Domain Name or you might watch Upmind's YouTube video.

Adding a domain

  1. On the Upmind dashboard, click Settings.

  2. Click Domains.


Add an Upmind domain

  1. Click Add custom domain.

Add a domain

  1. Enter your custom domain name.


Do not include "https://". Use the format or

You will be prompted to either add CNAME or A records. This needs to be done with your domain registrar.


Click and copy records

  1. Use the toggle switches to enable admin or client logins at this domain. By default both options are disabled.

  2. Click the icon to copy the CNAME code. If you see A records you can click the copy the record.


Click cname copy icon

  1. Click Save. Upmind adds an unverified URL to the list.

Upmind adds unverified code

Adding a CNAME or A Record

Before you can verify a URL, direct your current domain name to your Upmind URL with a new CNAME or A Record.

  1. Log in to your domain registrar account.
  2. Create a new CNAME Record or add/update an A Record.
  3. Paste the code into the field.
  4. Wait approximately 10 minutes.

Paste A record into the field

If you're using cPanel, please ensure that you add the A record in Zone Editor.

Zone Editor in cPanel

Zone Editor in cPanel

Verifying the URL


Please note that domain verification may take a few hours. There is nothing we can do to speed domain verification up.

  1. Return to the Upmind Domain page.
  2. Click the gear icon.
  3. Select Verify.
  4. Once verified, your domain opens the Upmind site.
  • Upmind automatically adds an SSL certificate.

Verify account

This is how it looks like when your custom domain has been successfully verified.

How to Use Custom Domain

To use a new custom domain, follow these general steps:

  1. To set your custom domain as the default, click on the three-dot icon, then choose "Make Default Domain."
  1. This is how it looks when you change your custom domain to the default domain
  1. This is how it looks in the Client interface when we use a custom domain. Please take note that in Client URL is designated as /login
Client interface login

Client interface login

  1. In the admin interface, the URL is commonly set as /admin
Admin interface login

Admin interface login