About Support Department

Create unique departments

You can create additional departments for the ticket system (e.g. billing, refunds, technical support). Each department can have a separate Upmind email account and be enabled/disabled for clients.

How to Add Support Departments

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Find the Support Department Tile
  3. Then, click Create Department.
  4. Filling the Name, the code will be automatically filled once you fill in the name. Then, click Create.
Add a new department

Add a new department

  1. You need to toggle the button to enable the department.
A new department has added

A new department has added

How to Edit Departments

If you want to Edit the department, you can follow:

  1. Click the three buttons, then click edit.
Edit Departments

Edit Departments

  1. On the next screen, you can set the Brand Department Settings. You also can manage the destination mailbox for automated email piping based on the department.
Edit departments and add destination mailbox

Edit departments and add destination mailbox

Managing your Department by Brand

Brand Department Settings

Brand Department Settings

Within the Brand Department Settings, there are options you can select by clicking:

  • By default, all the tickets will be coming to General, so once you create another department and decide to be the default then you can thick the box “Make default department”.
  • Ensure that you thick the box to “Allow the client to select this department when opening the ticket” It will be shown in your client area.

What do clients see in the client area?

If your client wants to create a ticket, they can select which department they refer to (it could be General, Billing, or Support based on your department created).

  1. Login to the client area
  2. Go to Support.
  3. Click Open new ticket
Create a new ticket on the client area

Create a new ticket on the client area

  1. Then, the client can select which department they refer to
Select a department in the client area

Select a related department in the client area