GoCardless Webhooks

When configuring a GoCardless payment gateway in Upmind, it's important to set up a webhook endpoint for Upmind in your manage.gocardless.com Developer dashboard. This allows us to receive mandate and payment events from GoCardless so we can automatically mark pending invoice payments as paid once they clear.

Setting this up is easy and only takes a minute:

  1. Log into your GoCardless account and Go to Developers > Create > Webhook endpoint (https://manage.gocardless.com/developers/webhook-endpoints)
  2. Fill the input fields, giving the webhook endpoint a Name of your choice, set the URL to https://api.upmind.io/payments/gocardless/callback and leave the Secret blank (GoCardless will generate a secure secret at random), then click "Create webhook endpoint"
  3. Click on the newly created Webhook endpoint, and copy the displayed Secret
  4. Finally, from your Upmind dashboard paste the Secret into your GoGardless payment provider settings and hit Save

Log into your GoCardless account and Go to Developers > Create > Webhook endpoint (https://manage.gocardless.com/developers/webhook-endpoints)


Fill the input fields, giving the webhook endpoint a Name of your choice, set the URL to https://api.upmind.io/payments/gocardless/callback and leave the Secret blank (GoCardless will generate a secure secret at random), then click "Create webhook endpoint"


Click on the newly created Webhook endpoint, and copy the displayed Secret


Finally, from your Upmind dashboard paste the Secret into your GoGardless payment provider settings and hit Save